And now you know I'm dedicated to blagging because I took this in a computer lab cause my laptop is broken, mind you it was empty but I was still terrified someone would walk in and discover my most inner narcissus.
ALSO, shout out to Hipsterdykes for the shout out! Thanks girrrrl.
Whoaaaaa! I LOVE it!
Is there an octopus on your shirt?
Also HIspterDykes is neat
I enjoy these rules:
#8 Do not take everything too seriously. This is the internet. Get over it!
#10 Obey the rules and party hard!
Haha THIS IS THE INTERNET, GET OVER IT. Amazing. I also enjoy the 'freedom to party, BUT according to the rules'. I feel that is my life. Amazing x2.
Thanks guys!
Oh and it's a ram, with cute lips.
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