

Day 14: Favourite Fairytale.
I don't really have a favourite fairytale, but Rumpelstiltskin is a good one, by good I really mean weeeeird. The King in the story is all like I'mma lock you up and hold you prisoner until you spin me lots of gold, and when you're done I'll reward you by marrying you - some reward that is. Or maybe I'll just kill you, 'cause I'm a douche.
But here I've deviated from the original story, bitch is spinning her own gold, not that kook Rumps. Anyways, I've also included some other gold things as bonus! Gold pen I bought for today's challenge, so fun! Midas pen. And the new(ish) light in my room. It's a spinning diamond, it's very witchcraft-glam, richcraft?

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